Wednesday, February 6, 2013

rolly polly

Nora is all about rolling and moving around! If I leave her on a blanket, I will often times come back into the room to find her off the blanket and way over in a different area. Sometimes it's not such a good thing (ie: laying in the middle of a bunch of small legos)... but at least it's getting me prepared for the crawling stage! It might not be far off..


Today I ventured out in the snowfall with 4 kids... Kyler, Max (3), Damien (18 months) and Nora.. We went to the Crystal Community Center for some Preschool Gym time. Picture me with Damien in a backpack, Nora in her carseat in a stroller, and Max and Kyler running behind. Quite the sight! [Somewhat] organized chaos.
But, it was a lot of fun and the boys got to run off some energy. I was sort of surprised to see most of the parents interacting so much with their kids. As in, holding their hands as they went down the 1 ft high slides, moms and dads helping 2 yr olds set up the bowling pins.... A lot of open gym times I've been to in the past involved sitting around the edges while the kids run around by themselves. Let them manage things themselves.
So, I ended up talking with another mother who obviously has the same philosphy as I do. Her 3 kids were all over the place and it was GREAT!
It was a great time and worth all the effort that went into making it happen. So nice to see other mothers and kids ~ especially this time of year when everyone starts to feel clausterphobic and full of "cabin fever."


Another video of Nora. She still loves her johnny! And, apparently, I love to ask her to say, "dada." Gotta love the "mom voice."

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