Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mr. Church Perch

It finally warmed up enough for a snowman!  We call it "magic snow." Kyler kept saying, "when it warms up the snow will get sticky and then we can make the three balls for a man."
 Kyler thought his name should be "Church Perch."
He's obviously very into rhyming lately.

Mr. Perch is very fancy.

 And, the thing to Mr. Perch's right is, as Kyler put it, "Church's garden."

Little Miss Nora has been on the move lately. No crawling yet.. just rolling. But she goes REALLY fast. Here is her progression the other morning. (She started on the blanket.)
 Then she wrestled/licked this coat for a minute.
 Then she decided to head to the stairs! A little too close for my liking!
Baby gates will be next, I suppose!

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