Sunday, October 30, 2011

October ~ our favorite month!

New car bed.. he's been doing GREAT! Only fell out in the middle of the night one time. He climbs in and out and loves bed time. What does the car say? "beep beep night night."
 Looks like he's ready for a poop in this one. We've been reading lots of book about potty time.
He woke up the other morning and I said, "good morning." He said, "no potty." So, I don't think he's ready! He may have been traumatized by a weird book I got from the library. It talked about "wee wees that boys have" and showed us that "our butt has a hole where poo comes out." Yikes
But I say, No problem! ~ as long as he's ready by age 3.
 We went to a party Saturday night. Kyler was the only little person there.. but Chris and I were dressed as American tourists visiting Italy and Kyler was our server, Giovanni. He had a baguette and bottle of "wine" (grape juice in a plastic bottle that I put a 'vino' label on). His moustache didn't last long but his eyebrows are still dark. Of course we didn't get a photo of all three of us..
As you can see, he loved the cupcakes. Tried to take a bite off the top and then put it back for another.
 Kyler loves to help with things! His favorite is to spread the butter.

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