Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Kyler was definitely a fan of trick-or-treating!

He thinks that the idea of going to someone's front door and mumbling a few words in exchange for CANDY is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g deal. He kept saying, "tank oo."
He wanted to eat all of his candy so luckily we only went about 2 blocks (9 houses).
 Twins mascot - TC Bear #00

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October ~ our favorite month!

New car bed.. he's been doing GREAT! Only fell out in the middle of the night one time. He climbs in and out and loves bed time. What does the car say? "beep beep night night."
 Looks like he's ready for a poop in this one. We've been reading lots of book about potty time.
He woke up the other morning and I said, "good morning." He said, "no potty." So, I don't think he's ready! He may have been traumatized by a weird book I got from the library. It talked about "wee wees that boys have" and showed us that "our butt has a hole where poo comes out." Yikes
But I say, No problem! ~ as long as he's ready by age 3.
 We went to a party Saturday night. Kyler was the only little person there.. but Chris and I were dressed as American tourists visiting Italy and Kyler was our server, Giovanni. He had a baguette and bottle of "wine" (grape juice in a plastic bottle that I put a 'vino' label on). His moustache didn't last long but his eyebrows are still dark. Of course we didn't get a photo of all three of us..
As you can see, he loved the cupcakes. Tried to take a bite off the top and then put it back for another.
 Kyler loves to help with things! His favorite is to spread the butter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Two Year Photo Shoot

Thanks, Em, for the great coffee & a successful photo shoot!!
Kyler just loves to roam around the inner city.. haha!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Farm & Birthday Party

Kyler had a great birthday week! He got to spend Tuesday and Wednesday with Auntie Allie. It was so great of her to come down and get that special time w/ the Bubbs. We definitely miss her living close to us :-(
And then of course, Thursday was this guy's SECOND BIRTHDAY!! He is so excited to be a big boy and he was very happy to get his big boy race car bed in his room! My parents came down with Evan and we had a fun evening just laying low.

Friday we had Tyson join us for a fun day at a working farm! All three boys were most excited to see the chickens, but we also got to see baby chicks, sheep, dairy cows, bees, pigs, tractors and turkeys. - check it out!

 Tyson was starting to get sleepy here I think...

 Evan wasn't one bit scared of the chickens. He wanted so badly to hold one. What a brave dude!

Saturday was a fabulous, sunny day for the big boy birthday party. We were able to hang outside the entire time! Blake & Kayla (Tyson's parents) were so smart to bring over their bouncy house! It was a definite hit!
 Uncle Grahamm w/ the bubbles was also quite popular!

And of course Kyler (who has a major sweet tooth) was very psyched to dive into his cake.

We had such a great time with our friends and family! Thanks for everyone who was able to make it. Kyler is so lucky to have such great people in his life and we're so grateful!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Fun~~~

Kyler has been all about running lately. Last week he was a little under the weather and we were snuggling on the couch. He looks at me and says, "run." So I let him down an he ran 4 or 5 laps around the house before coming back to snuggle again. ha!

His favorite is running outside - especially w/ all the leaves on the ground.
Running around a pole:

Running around a leaf or a dot on the ground?! And then running around the car.

Storytime before bed.

We are very excited for Kai's 2nd birthday coming up soon!! He can't wait to turn TWO! He is getting a big, race car bed which I am excited to get into his room! No more crib for this little man (or should I say, "big boy!")
Not so exciting is Chris' surgery to patch up a couple hernias. Good luck babe! I'll be acting as your nurse/maid for as long as needed (preferably not to exceed 2 weeks).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tyson is my BUDDY!!

Kayla (Tyson's mom) and I have been trading childcare this week. It is so perfect because these boys are BEST BUDS!! After not seeing Tyson for one week, I couldn't believe how excited both of them were to see each other! Kayla sent me these photos from when Kyler was at their house yesterday:

Holding hands on the way to the basement.
 Running in circles:
 Sharing toys.

And of course, blowing raspberries onto the leather ottoman.
We love Tyson!! Their whole family has been such a blessing. We're hoping to keep this up throughout the winter - give Tyson time away from his baby sister and Kyler away from his mother!! Yay ;-)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

yoga baby

I was stretching the other day on this yoga mat and after I was done, Kyler decided to do some moves. Of course, he was naked so very few of them were appropriate to post ;-)

I swear I miss all the "kodak moments." Every time Bubbs does something hilarious, I grab the camera and capture silence (if it's a video) or grumpy faces (if it's a photo). I was attempting to show Kyler telling me everything he's eating and using a lot of words but that wasn't really the case.