Friday, July 22, 2011

talking ~ this one's for you g-ma kt ;-)

Having kids that are older, and therefore say more words, around us all day everyday has really helped Kyler's language skills. Chris and I were just commenting on how much his talking has improved over the last couple of weeks.

Tonight I was reading him "Goodnight Moon" and it had been awhile since I'd brought that one out.. he proceeded to point out and say, "moon, mouse, socks, balloon, and doll." Then when I told him my nightly, "mama loves you," he pointed to a picture of our little family on his book shelf and said, "mama. daddy. bus (Bubbs)" Oh man, I couldn't even stand it!! Then when I put him in his crib he said, "bye bye."
Our little dude is growing up, that's for sure!

And sorry... my camera battery died so I couldn't get him saying turtle or doing his elephant impersonation. Maybe next time ;-)

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