Wednesday, July 27, 2011

squeeky shoes & fish love

Thanks, Bonnie, for the fun shoes you sent us a few months ago!
I was hoping they'd fit Kyler this fall, but his feet have gone through a couple sizes in a very short amount of time, so it's not looking good for that :-)
But we put them on for Kyler to play with and he thinks they're great!
We can't wait to see the entire Serpa clan in less than a week!!! yay!

We suddenly have a lot of animals in this house. Siddy Kitty rules the roost, and then there's two guppies (Gordo & Dazzle) and two goldfish (Fish & Fishy). I've been toying with the idea of getting a hermit crab, too, but for now we're just going to stick to the current zoo. Cleaning tanks, litter boxes, feeding them.. it gives me enough to do for now. And, of course, we often talk about getting a dog.. but that won't be happening until we have our own house, and our youngest kid is 3. I dream of having a border terrier and maybe a medium sized mutt in our family!! And two chickens for eggs!

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