Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

It seems to signify the start of summer.. and this Memorial Day definitely did!
A beautiful day to enjoy a couple beers with Keith, Bonnie (the people I nanny for) & Bonnie's parents, Tom and Judy. Allie and Em got to join us ~ Kalen and James were in heaven ;-)
What a great time!!

Fun at the Lake

Chris, Kyler and I had a great time at the Bolt cabin on Pelican Lake this weekend. We drove up Saturday morning and spent the night in the new trailer ~ it was perfect! Saturday was a beautiful day.. perfect for a pontoon ride w/ grandma & grandpa Bolt, uncle Eric and cool cousin Evan!

Evan really loves giving Kai kisses! He gives him at least 50 a day! Kyler thinks his cuz is just great.

Evan is becoming quite the fisherman! He out-caught his grandma Shelly, that's for sure! She was getting frustrated by the fourth fish ;-)

It's so nice being able to hang out with family so often! Chris and I are so grateful that we get the opportunity to get to know our nephew (and niece)!! Kyler is excited to truly know his cousins, aunts and uncles!
Rena & Clara - we missed you on the beach ~ can't wait for more fun in the sun this summer.
Sunday's weather wasn't quite as nice as Saturday's... but grandma Shelly got some help from her grandsons with planting. Evan helped her get the soil with the 4-wheeler (pretend) & Kyler helped to hydrate the flowers with his plentiful drool.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Deck Time

Of course Emily and Ryan's first time at Target Field got rained out... dang! Too bad that Emily's first live baseball game ended up ending early! At least we got to enjoy a cold beverage w/ them before it!
And.. creepy moustache, Ryan. I'm all about trying to bring it back, but.... ahhh..
Kyler got some new toys the other day and he is so excited! He loves his new monkey (we're open to some votes on his name)! I'm thinkin' Mask, Monkee, Greenie, Swimsuit Sock.. I don't know.
Where's Siddy Kitty? Her new favorite hiding spot!
Grandpa Tom came down to watch the Twins kick butt (unfortunately that didn't happen - boo Yankees) one last time before going to Canada for the summer. He also got to feed his favorite grandson ;-) & Kyler loved seeing him.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Parents Photo Faves

Please follow this link and vote EVERYDAY for Kyler ;-)

Parents Photo Faves

Beatin the Heat

Thanks to Uncles & Aunts for watching me yesterday! I had lots of fun ~ I really love our quality time. Love, Kai xox
Funny face after sucking on a lemon:
Check out my two teeth! (On the bottom).. and boy are they SHARP!
Hangin' outside today was a little rough ~ it was in the mid to upper 80's.. but Kyler still had fun. I thought it would be fun to mist us w/ a spray bottle.. and.. it was fun! Kyler loved sitting around naked, peeing whenever & where ever, and feeling the cool mist followed by the hot breeze. It made him excited for laying in the sand and splashing in the water!
check out the man's feet! He most definitely has his dad's clubs - he's getting pudge-errrrific lately!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spooky Hands

When Chris gets home at night, Kyler loves to hang w/ his pops. His dad brings excitement to his life and makes him laugh, that's for sure! Check out how Kyler seems to put his hands up and do his little scream/yell.. he is just h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s!! Of course, once again, I was a little late for the good screams and giggles.. I basically got the lame one right before he decides he's over it.

Bubble Bath

Bath time is always so much fun! Kai is very interested in toys lately as you can see in this video. He literally started reaching for things right when he opened his eyes this morning. And he's very happy that I decided to stop using his bath seat and just let him do his thing with less water in the tub!
**There isn't really any sound on this video.. I guess I cover the microphone with my finger sometimes..**

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best Friends

Of course I wasn't able to capture the actual Kodak moment in this video... right before I grabbed the camera, Siddy and Kyler were playing together. Siddy would throw the foam thing around and then when Kyler went to grab it she would wait patiently. It was so cute! But instead I just got the aftermath.. oops. I figured Kyler's hat was reason enough to post it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Six Months

Kyler is actually nearing seven months, but I am just now getting his 6 month pics posted. I took a lot this time and I think they turned out pretty great ;-)
He's getting really easy to photograph cause everything he does is hilarious and adorable! Or maybe that's just a mom talking..

Monday, May 10, 2010

Goofy Nelson Boys

Kyler tried peas tonight.. and in the background we were playing some Van Morrison on the iPod.. Not sure if Chris is hopped up on cold medicine or just being his odd self, but you'll see that he "feels" the music. :-)

And thanks to Emily for my b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l orchid for mom's day! Kyler likes it almost as much as I do!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Go Twins! & Abby's New Favorite Holiday

I like to consider Chris a "Twins mad fan..."
Between all family members, we've been to almost every single game this season at the new field! It's a beautiful way to spend an afternoon or evening, that's for sure!!
We have season tickets and the seats are really great! Right on the 3rd base line.. only steps away from a Summit vendor, italian sausages and great rest rooms! woo hoo.
Saturday, May 8th
Sunday, April 18th

Monday, April 9th (Opener) ~ Kyler wasn't too excited about all the yelling.. it was disturbing his nap attempts.
I have decided that my new favorite holiday is Mother's Day! I got amazing gifts, touching cards, a great family-filled breakfast, and lots of gazes at my beautiful (or should I say handsome?) boy. I was looking back at old photos and just can't believe how much he is changing! What a great experience motherhood is!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who: is a mother.. wants to be a mother.. has a mother.. or has lost a mother. There's nothing like it.
I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun w/ Uncle

Kyler got some valuable time w/ his uncle Grahamm today. He is so lucky to have so many wonderful people in his life! Thanks for the fun today, uncle!

I think I said it earlier.. Kai really loves to explore things w/ his mouth! Here's proof..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

He's a Talker!

Kyler loves the sound of his own voice!

He doesn't do it quite as loud when the camera's on him, but it's still very amusing ;-)

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Food

So here begins my new obsession (I'm sure).

Our little man, Kyler Christopher, is such a fun guy to have around and we have so many pictures and videos of him that we (okay, I) thought, "okay, why not.. let's start a blog already!"


We recently started pureed foods!

As you can see, Kyler was v-e-r-y excited!

What a little goon ;-)

He seems to really like trying to new flavors so far. We've done tastes of beans & puffed cereal.. and he's eaten quite a bit of brown rice cereal, avocado & carrots!

So far we've tried: brown rice cereal, avocado & carrots... maybe he'll be like his dad and willing to try ANYTHING! Let's hope ;-)