Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I L-O-V-E Peanut Butter!

Happy first day of spring!
To celebrate, we made "pine-cone bird feeders" today.
 Spread 'em w/ the PB.. then roll them in the seeds.
Kyler said, "I LOVE peanut butter!" I think he needs to attend PBA (peanut butter anonymous) as his obsession runs deep. Or.... er... wait.. he probably gets this from me. I love me some nut butters of any kind!
 He was singing to himself all during this project, so I think it was a hit!!

 "I'm gettin in the cracks, mom."
"The birds are really going to like this big one!"

We can't wait to hang them outside! We're hoping the backyard will attract a lot of birds this year!

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