Sunday, March 24, 2013

photo shoot!

 Emily and I had some fun today getting GREAT photos of the kids.
She is SO talented! Thanks again, em!
I had them all nicely organized but the blog messed them all up for some reason when it loaded. oh well.

 My fave:

 This one NEEDS to go on Nor's wall in her room! SO CUTE!

My fave:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I L-O-V-E Peanut Butter!

Happy first day of spring!
To celebrate, we made "pine-cone bird feeders" today.
 Spread 'em w/ the PB.. then roll them in the seeds.
Kyler said, "I LOVE peanut butter!" I think he needs to attend PBA (peanut butter anonymous) as his obsession runs deep. Or.... er... wait.. he probably gets this from me. I love me some nut butters of any kind!
 He was singing to himself all during this project, so I think it was a hit!!

 "I'm gettin in the cracks, mom."
"The birds are really going to like this big one!"

We can't wait to hang them outside! We're hoping the backyard will attract a lot of birds this year!


My old cabbage patch kids are a real hit at our house. I find myself dressing them a lot ~ who knew that naked dolls hanging around would make me uncomfortable?? But, Kyler likes the boy one and he makes sure his buddy is well taken care of.
Except when he pokes his eye.... oops!

Then there's this doll! I mean... are. you. kidding. me!!?!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

baby cakes

Kyler is such a great helper with his sister! We have yet to see any "naughty" behavior towards her. I let him help a lot ~ feeding her, picking out her clothes & pj's, getting diapers, putting lotion on her..
Someday, he is going to be a super daddy like his own SUPER daddy ;-)

Friday, March 15, 2013

fig tree growth

Thank you, Suzanne, for the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l plants!
The fig tree we re-potted (2/23/13):

20 days later (3/15/13):

Next, we are installing a shelf in the bright nook where these pics were taken... for plants, herbs, and, in the future, starting seeds!

Friday, March 8, 2013

sharin germs

Nora loves trying to mimic her big bro

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bolt's in the h-izzy!

We are SO blessed to have cousins/aunts/uncles/etc so close in age and proximity!
The Bolt's paid us a visit this weekend and we had a GREAT time!
I love having a sister-in-law who I respect and who is so understanding to everything that I go through on a daily basis. Not to sound too cheeseball, but Rena, you are HILARIOUS and I appreciate that you make me laugh! Thanks for being you :-)
okay, enough BDA (blog displays of affection).. now onto the girls:
Nora & Whit were feeling a little sick so we quarantined their toys. They each had their own bins and blankets.

 But who can keep these angels apart?! Impossible to resisit a diaper photo shoot!

Love these babes!