Sunday, December 11, 2011

Macy's 8th Floor

This Saturday Kyler and I had a great time with Tyson and Kayla (his mom). We all ventured downtown to see "A Day in the Life of an Elf" ~ The Macy's Eighth floor exhibit for 2011. Kyler loved it - he could have stared at each exhibit for hours. I found it very tough to get good pics...

After walking through the exhibit, we saw a great puppet show at "Moose Crossings" - a seasonal puppet theater also on the eighth floor. Kyler was very psyched about hanging with all the kids and galloping around while saying, "moose. tree. christmas tree." It was pretty amusing. He sat on the rug right up front and stared intently during the entire show.
His new favorite saying is, "down town, charlie brown." He loves the city life and all the activities it has to offer :-)

Tyson is such a great buddy! We had him over last week - quite honestly he can't come over enough!! Kyler and I both love playdates!

Kyler really likes having Baby Lucas around. He is 10 weeks now and Kyler likes to help feed him his milk, burp him, play peek-a-boo, and keep track of his where-abouts at all time. In this video you can't hear what he's saying, but he says, "hi Lucas." and then sings, "lucas. lucas. luuuucas.

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