Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pics of Bubbs

Due to the fact that I've been majorly slacking on photos lately.. I am using some of Emily's. She always gets such great ones & I really don't want to post something to this blog w/out some photos.

If I ever say, "you are such a sweet boy." or "Are you my cute boy?"
Kyler always immediately says, "BIG boy!" He sure is getting to be!

"Cheese. Big boy!"
 It may have been our last shirtless day on Wednesday. Fall is here which means winter is just around the corner.
 Butchered hair... but happy as ever to be eating chocolate cake!
 I mean, is it the first day of school or what?! SO grown up!!!!!!! We need another baby around this place!
 This one was from a couple weeks ago. Pre-haircut.
 Tree hugger!

And.. a bit of sad news. Siddy has been missing for over 24 hours. Chris and I are still hoping for her safe return but it's very unusual for her to be away from home for that long. I am pretty worried that something has happened to her. Still holding out hope though.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


We just got back from a great trip to Edgerton. Thank you grandma for such a great time. It was quick, but really fun to spend some time with you! Dinner at the Hatfield Bar & Grill was a real treat & seeing Loretta for lunch today was also really nice.

We got to visit grandpa Harold in the nursing home on Saturday for coffee hour. It was difficult seeing him in the state that he's in ~ I pray for some relief from his pain as well as my grandma's.
It was hard saying goodbye to him today. No one wants to see someone they love sit in the same spot all day staring at their hands.

Unfortunately there are no photos to post. I have really become lame with my camera - my apologies.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Kyler enjoys practicing his ABC's lately... it' so cute to hear him pronounce each letter! Maybe someday he will sing them? He's very anti-singing & dancing lately so I'm not going to hold my breath :-)
Poor guy fell the other day - and of course it was on cement, landing directly on his face. And a few hours before this video was taken he smacked himself in the face with something and the scab fell off. Poor guy!

Kyler loves auntie Leigh

It was really nice to see Leigh for a couple of days this week. She was up in Brainerd under not so great circumstances but we felt blessed to be able to spend some time with her! Kids definitely love her ~ maybe that's the reason she's a kindergarten teacher?!

Congrats on your new job, Leigh, and we miss you!!

(there would be a photo here but it is somehow lost on my computer?! absolutely cannot find it! just imagine Leigh & Kyler reading books on the "big bed")

Friday, September 9, 2011


And I don't mean the baseball team (who, btw, is not doing very well!!!)... dad & son just love to look alike! Chris just happens to be wearing camo shorts in this photos, too :-)