Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baseball, Cookie & Bird

Kyler has been recognizing that every item has a word associated with it.. and he's trying to say those words. Although, the only word anyone - unless you're around him enough - can understand is "ball." But he's been trying to say "baseball" lately.
And I have to admit, I play into it just as much as Chris.. the boy just loves his sports :-)

He's also using sign language on some words. His go-to's are: more, cookie and bird.
I LOVE the signing times dvd's so I try and catch them when they're in stock at the library. You can see his hands itching to get signing! He sometimes makes up his own signs as I just see him moving his hands in weird motions. ;-)
And just a funny story.. I got another dvd at the library called, "babies being babies." It was made in the 90's so it has really cheesy music but it just shows a bunch of babies playing and laughing and doing silly things. Kyler was smiling and dancing the entire time. He kept looking at me as if to say, "are you seeing this?! It's great - quality stuff!!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grandmas Galore

Mr. Bubbs sure does love his grandmas!! He got to see Grandma Kt (and Grandpa Tom, too) when they stayed at our house March 12th..
Then he got to see Grandma Shelly when she stayed not even a week later!
What a lucky dude to have so many people who love him :-)
Trying to post a video of him walking, too!! For some reason I don't have my camera around as often (probably because Kai thinks he needs to mess with it if I do)..
The video below was from the beginning of March:
Although these are dark, it shows how obsessed he is with Siddy Kitty lately. Too funny ~ they are best buds :-)
Hopefully this will be changing soon as I am taking on a little guy named Tyson to watch full time in our house. He's 20 months and I'm hoping Kyler will love having a human best bud rather than a feline :-)
One last video.. and a special thanks to Cally for getting this adorable frog that sings!! It has really helped Kyler learn his love for gettin groovy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Countdown to Twins Opener!

This is a funny pic that Chris took last week..