Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This boy is b-u-s-y!

Hope everyone had a terrific Valentine's Day!
It was the first year where I felt true romance.. I must be married!
Chris got me some gorgeous flowers, dark chocolate, & lara bars for our upcoming trip to Orange County. So sweet!
For him, I finally printed some of our wedding photos and got them into frames. Only a year and a half later :-)
Kyler got kisses all day (doesn't he everyday?) and enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood ~ so he thought it was divine.
He has been quite the busy-body! Nearly 16 months old and interested in EVERYTHING! He's always looking for the next thing he can grab and try to figure out. His favorite thing right now is the white board cleaning spray. He loves to take the cap off and then put it back on. over and over and over. Then if you take it away he screams and lets out huge tears. That is until you distract him with some blocks, a book or a baseball.

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