Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Joe Mauer!!

So maybe the reason Kyler is so into his Twins book lately is that he was prepping for his meeting with their catcher, Joe Mauer?!
Today, Allison convinced me to join her at a restaurant in Bloomington where #7 was doing a radio interview. It turned out to be really intimate and fun! We were up close and personal with him - there were probably only about 75 to 100 people there. Unfortunately he didn't sign any autographs (I brought the Twins board book but no luck), but it didn't stop Kyler from choosing that one as his bedtime story tonight.
I took some (pretty bad) photos of us sneaking up on him before the interview began.
 Allie took Kyler over and stood behind him as he was getting ready.
 Kyler was like, "hey, whose that guy - he looks like someone I should know."
 So Auntie Allie tapped him on the shoulder and asked him for a high five! I wasn't able to get it in the pic, but this is right after. I'd say Allie was pretty excited ;-)
I would now like to take back any negative things I may have said about Mr. Mauer in the past. I've been known to say things like, "he's not that hot," or "ehhh, whatevs."
But after seeing and hearing him in person I now think he is a very nice man! You go Joe!! Thanks for making my son's morning (and husband's day).

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