Monday, August 2, 2010

Mister Mister Bubbles

We spent Sunday at Auntie Em's second home.. on Christmas Lake in Chanhassen at the Bedor's beautiful house!
Sarah Bedor loves babies & she was great at entertaining our baby!
We had the most amazing dinner! Seriously, such GREAT food!!
Kyler enjoyed trying his first tomatillo..

eeee.. I dunno bout that..
We spent Saturday night at our friends' Sam & Rob house. Their son (and Kyler's new buddy), Cohen, loved giving "the cute baby" kisses. It was a lot of fun having a bbq and bonfire at their place! Yay summer ;-)

And Kyler's been pooping on the potty! He really prefers it over sitting in a diaper. It's a sight to behold. I held myself back on posting a picture of the actual poop.. you're welcome people!!

The Kai man loves bathtime.. especially after a nice, messy dinner (not to mention a good potty break. ahaha)! We aren't sure if he likes bath water or lake water better?

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