Tuesday, January 28, 2014

4 months!!!!

Well, unfortunately posts to this blog are a rare occurrence now-a-days.

Managing 2berryblog & working for 2berrycreative.com takes all of the time and energy I once had for this personal blog. I know many hearts have been broken with the loss of this amazing outlet ;-) haha!

Anyway, the kids are doing great. Kyler is loving his one day/week pre-school (at least when it isn't cancelled due to weather) as well as our ECFE group which starts back up this Thursday after a SIX WEEK break. We were doing play-dates with the kids from his ECFE class during the long winter break which was nice.

We've had a few new friends that we get together with each week & our neighbor, Sarah, has been on maternity leave with her sweetie, Ruthie, so we've visited them pretty often.

Kyler: he's getting so big! He prides himself on taking care of his little sister. He says it's "his job to help with her and keep her safe." Awww! He's all about running around, jumping, sword fights, playing on his leap reader, listening to CDs, and, as we learned last weekend, bowling!

He was very proud of this bird, Violet, that he colored.

If it's above 25 degrees, we take advantage of it!
Catching snowflakes before bedtime.
Hangin in the backyard.

Play-doh with some friends on a Saturday evening.

Nora: a constant joker. According to Chris, she's always messing with ya. She isn't talking much yet but she still gets what she wants, when she wants it. Such a goof! 

 Her favorite things: food - if someone is sitting at the table, or she hears pans clang together, she needs to get involved. She also loves her baby dolls, stuffed animals, dancing and books.

Of course both of these pictures are cookies and cake. Gotta love the holidays ;-)

And, duh, bath time!

I also vamped up Kyler's walls with some paint. Wanted something artistic and fun that he could grow into for as long as we'll be at this house. I LOVE how it turned out. And, more importantly, he does too!