Friday, December 14, 2012

mom's hiccups

I had the hiccups and was able to catch this hilarious moment!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

more jumps

I can't get enough of this girl in the "johnny jump-up." Work those legs, girl!
I would post more videos but for some reason can only do one per session.. sorry!

sibling love

CAUTION: cute OvERLoAd on this video!!!
I snuck in while Kyler was playing with Nora. He does this all the time but I've had a hard time catching him in the act! He always engages in conversation which I think is so funny!

In case you have a hard time hearing this: Kyler is telling Nora about all the butterflies on this page of the book. He is saying, "there are small, medium and large." Then he sort of asks her which one she wants. So adorable!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


The blog isn't allowing me to download anymore videos but this girl is hilarious!
Also, my computer is trying to drive me crazy (and it's sort of working), so I lost a bunch of cute pictures... it's all a sign that I need to step away from the computer. My blogging efforts have fallen short.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

so thankful

We had a great thanksgiving 2012 and hope you did, too.
This year was spent with "the Nelson side." We had the meal at our house and there were 7 adults and then Kyler & Nora. It was perfect!
I didn't take very good pictures (what else is new)... so, here is the veggie platter ("I spy a turkey..."??)

 Grandpa Tom's famous football hold ~ babies love it!
 Grandma Katie is so goofy with her Potato Head!
 Uncle Grahamm..
 Kyler took the following two pictures.. I love looking through his photos! Seeing the world from his point of view is hi-larious! lots of goofy faces and pictures of people's chests.

 And of course, licking the fresh whipped cream ~ YUM!

We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Leigh comes into town mid-month and then we'll be spending some time in Brainerd for Christmas festivities. We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many great people whom we love SO MUCH!! xoxo

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kai Man!

Kyler has really been cracking us up lately!
He really loves all the social interaction we've been getting.
Mondays he goes to "school." (ECFE, which mom loves too)
Tuesdays and Thursdays we go to the YMCA & he plays on the computer and in their gym w/ all the kids.
Wednesdays and Fridays our new friend's Max & Damien come over all day.
It's a great schedule and I'm so happy things have fallen into place the way they have lately.
He's been very busy building "tall towers." He's all about putting things together.

Brother/Sister photo shoot!!
 their favorite blankies!

 For some odd reason, Kyler and I have been doing a lot of silly faces lately...

And he loves the laptop he got from the Serpa's. He does a very interesting dance we call "the shoulder." I caught a few seconds of it on this video:
We're looking forward to hosting our first Thanksgiving this year! Not a large amount of people are attending but we'll be hanging out with the Nelson side and then possibly opening the house up to visitors in the afternoon who'd like to have some pie & coffee! I can't wait!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sweet girl is doin a lot!!

This little lady loves her bath time! She gets mesmerized by the water :-)
She's been smiling a lot more lately. I caught some a-dorable ones yesterday!!

And then there's her many other faces:

Too cute!!


I had to have a little dress up session. I tried various outfits on her with different headbands... but the cutest ones are when she's naked. Too sweet for words really.

And I caught her giggling on this video:
I have been having too much fun with my kids lately. They are both such great little people and I'm trying to soak it in as best as I can!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

cute kids!

After a recent photo shoot for the Bolt side, there are just too many great pics!! I especially love the grandparents w/ the grandkids!!

For some reason with child #2 I have a lot less photos of me and baby! So, here is (I believe) the first photos of the two of us together. Sad but true.

I love my girl!!