Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nectarines: good OR bad?

The jury's out on this one... after this video he had more fun banging the plastic part of this thing onto the table. So I'm guessing he isn't a fan of this fruit.

Da-da's home!

Kyler loves playing outside!
He is starting to think, "who needs baby toys when I can pick lint off of blankets, throw grass, chew on sticks, jingle keys.. there are really so many things!"
But I still try to entertain him w/ the old standbys. And this clothes basket kept all the toys nicely within reach.

When dad comes home he gets very excited!

He loves playin' w/ that goofy guy. Who wouldn't love someone who dances, sings, hoots and hollars and just generally entertains you every second you're together! What a dad!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nature Baby

Last weekend was, once again, packed w/ activities in northern MN.
Chris' grandma, Betty, was put to rest in beautiful Nashwauk. It was great to see the place where not only Betty rests but also grandpa Rudy, Uncle Rudy and Aunt Mary. I'm sure they are all still celebrating Betty's arrival up there ~ she will definitely be missed down here.

After the cemetary we all caravaned to a cabin on Lake Bello. The evening was filled w/ memories of Betty, swimming, dancing, s'mores... really anything went! It was a great way for the family to remember their grandmother/mother & I'm glad we were able to be there!
Kyler had a great first time sleeping in a tent. He is a fan of camping, for sure!
And he'd better be cause we just bought an awesome new tent so there will be a lot more of it!!
We also spent some time on Pelican at my parent's cabin. The water and beach felt great!

The pic below was from a playground near Lake of the Isles last week... he is very into the swings! I think he could've hung out there all day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When Chris and I got back from our night away, Kyler was suddenly loving his johnny jump-up. If he's not randomly jumping, then he is enjoying the freedom to turn and check out whatever he pleases.
I sometimes catch him just lounging.. where he might decide to do one of his other new favorite things: stare at his pointer finger while singing "daaaadaa, blaaaaablaaah, lalala."

Seven Month Pics

I sort of set myself up for failure when I started taking monthly baby pics involving props! It seems to be pretty easy for me to drop the ball... I missed Kai's 5 mos pics and almost missed his 7 month! His poor baby book! haha

So he just turned 8 months on the 20th ~ he is getting very busy! He constantly needs toys and things to chew on. He has 4 teeth (wow) which he has started grinding. It's pretty awful. He also just can't get enough of his own voice and thinks that getting scared or tickled is great fun.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wild Rice Restaurant

Wild Rice Restaurant

Back to Bayfield

Chris and I absolutely LOVE Bayfield, Wisconsin!!

Two years ago (almost to the day), Chris proposed here on a camping trip..
So it's only fitting that we'd celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY here!!
We toasted on a beautiful sailboat...

...had an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G dinner at a restaurant called "Wild Rice." Then we went back and spent the night on the boat!!

It was a quick trip but that was probably good because it was hard being away from our little dude overnight.

What a super time though!! Cheers to many many more years of marital bliss

Como Fun

We had a great time last Friday at Como Zoo!
Cousins Evan & Clara, Grandma Shelly & Kalen all joined us for a beautiful day w/ the animals.
And even though the animals were great, the most fun was had in COMO TOWN!Evan & Kalen l-0-v-e-d the rides...

And Kalen & I LOVED "the screaming dragon"

We also learned last week that the Serpa's (Kalen, James, Keith & Bonnie whom I currently nanny for) will be moving to California in the next few months. Congrats to them ~ we'll reallly really miss you guys!!! And if anyone in the Mpls area is looking for any help (computer or office, cleaning, organizing, child care, etc).. let me know ;-)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Long Weekend in the Rain

Kyler and I just got back from a long weekend in Brainerd. Lots of fun, as usual.
He got to hang out with both sets of grandparents on Friday night. We had a delicious dinner at e~squared & it was REALLY GOOD! I suggest it to anyone in the area!

All the cousins got some quality time together on Saturday night. Evan, Clara & Kai all slept at grandma & grandpa Bolt's (it was Clara's first overnight without mom AND dad). It was really fun all waking up together and having pancakes. She did really well ~ all smiles.

A bunch of us went to a Lunker's game Sunday afternoon.
Not sure if Kyler just got off his Harley or back from a "dead" revival concert...
Really, Kai?! Miller Liiiite?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"I said, 'mom' today and someone got very excited!! My mom isn't really too hard to please - she sort of likes everything I do!"

Yay! I had some luck getting this video to post! Kai has been really into the "flying" position lately. He laughs SOOO hard when he is flying through the air towards his dad or we bounce him on our knees. And he L-O-V-E-S to hear his voice do different things!

Sitting Up

Darn blog! I've been trying to put videos on for the last couple of days and it has been frustrating! I wait and wait and wait... and obviously no results. So it's been awhile since anything's been posted!
Kyler decided to finally sit up today! Woo Hoo!
He has been able to for short periods before, but today he really turned a corner. What a little man he's becoming! ;-)
This video doesn't showcase his new skills as well as some of the others, but I thought it was the most amusing to watch..