Sunday, December 26, 2010

holiday steps

Christmas Eve while Eric, Rena, Clara, Kyler and I were relaxing before going to church, Rena decided to take a video and caught a first.. an independent step!! How lucky!!
We had a great holiday and hope you all did, too. Looking forward to the new year ~ chris and I are hoping for a FIT 2011!!
I will try and get some new pics and videos in the next couple of days.. Kyler is doing some great things lately :-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why do we live here again?

30 Below temperatures... shoveling until your back gives out... it's Minnesota, baby!
 We got about 17 inches the other day!
We feel blessed to have shelter & heat!
 Poor Siddy is entering her season of depression. She still tries to get outside but then realizes how stupid that decision was after her paw pads freeze to the sidewalk.
 We made some almond butter balls at our house to help ease the pain of frigid cold. Kyler was happy that his dad let him try the chocolate.. although this photo doesn't look like he's all that happy ;-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

ABC - "hey, sing with me!!"

Kyler has been h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s lately!! I'm sure I always say that.. but he truly just cracks me up!!
He is the best :-)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Loon joins scuba divers

This video was taken in the Cuyuna Range mine pits... so I think my worst nightmares could really come true!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Long Lost Photos

 I got some pics off of Uncle Grahamm's camera & thought I would share some of the good ones..

We miss our old place on Johnson St!! :-( That deck was SO MUCH FUN!!

Last days at the LLL cabin! FISH FRY - woot woot
 Returning from an excellent dinner on Burntside Lake in Ely.

Go Twins!!

From Kyler's one year party..

Turkey Day = Family FUn!

We had a great Thanksgiving 2010! Kyler and I were in Sebeka from Wednesday until Sunday and we enjoyed delicious food, cozy relaxation & lots of Nelson family fun!
 We had our turkey day feast at Wendy London's gorgeous house. Kyler was sitting at the opposite end of the table from mom and dad.. and he kept telling uncle Grahamm, "more. more." He is a fan of figs, stuffing, turkey, potatoes & definitely PIE!

 Good lookin mother and son!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

snowfakes keep fallin on my head...

This is Kyler's immediate reaction when we walked out into the snow today:
We had our first taste of snow this season... about ten inches total ~ but it was warm and wet so a lot of it melted. Still a great opportunity to get pulled around in the sled!
Kyler definitely likes to experience new things - he loved it :-) He sat contently for about a half hour in the stroller (in garage) while I shoveled the driveway.

p.s.. thanks for the great snowsuit and hat g&g Bolt :-) It kept me nice and warm today!
And thank you uncle grahamm ~ my sled r-o-c-k-s!! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Teeter Tot Trucker

Kai loves his push/ride/pull truck.. he is just getting into pushing it by himself and walking behind ~ I'm thinking walking videos will be next. Uh-oh!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

that darn cow

Kyler loves being one! His newest things are: dancing to goofy songs, pulling himself up and taking leg-locked steps, going up and down the stairs, opening and closing doors and cupboards, and drinking milk from a cup... just to name a few of course.

Hallow-eve & Halloween

We had a fun family weekend! On Saturday night we went to this forest nature walk that was lit my jack-o-lanterns called, "friends of the forest." It was put on by a school, so there were kids and adults performing little skits at different stops along the path. SO CUTE! Kyler thought it was great fun!

 He also really enjoyed being a little bear :-)
We dressed him in all brown and drew on his nose w/ eyeliner for the effect. Next year, we are prepared to get more into this holiday. Chris and I are already thinking of ideas for what we can get dressed up as... any ideas out there? Neither of us has ever been too into the whole costume thing, but this year we felt a little lame and left out of the fun.

 For Halloween, our neighborhood has a horse-drawn sleigh that pulls all the kids around for trick-or-treating. We had a great time being outside and enjoying some of the kids in the area!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Birthday Fun!!

Kyler had a great 1st birthday!! We had a little party on Saturday at our house for him ~ it was great fun!! He wasn't too aggressive w/ his cake but his cousin, Evan, helped show him how to do it.

 He got a lot of AMAZING gifts! He loves having fresh toys to discover. I went through his toy box in the basement and packaged up the little baby things. Kinda sad :-(

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

family photo shoot

Cousin Emily took some fall pics at a nature center tonight (thanks again, em!) ~ we got some really cute ones!!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Autumn has turned into my favorite season over the last couple of years!! Kyler's birthday is coming up and there is a lot of excitement in the air.. or maybe it's just me?!
Either way, we had a great weekend and look forward to many more in the coming months.

Back to Reality

Well, Kyler and I are back in Minnesota's heartland... and we heart it. (haha)
We had a great trip & can't thank our peeps enough for the amazing hospitality!!
The Serpa's new house is B-E-A-Utiful ~ Newport Beach/Orange County is a fabulous place to be and we can't wait to visit again!
THANK YOU KEITH, BONNIE, KALEN & JAMES for the super accomodations and company! So much fun!!


Kyler and I didn't get enough beach time while in Hawaii.. but we are so grateful to have been able to travel there! He is such a fun little guy to be with. Thanks for all the help Auntie Leigh - we can't wait to see you around Christmas!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Looks like we might have to start using the gate when we get home!

Kona Kai

We are having a great time with Auntie Leigh & Uncle Dave in Hawaii!!

Our flight leaves tonight @ 11pm.. should be interesting ~ let's hope for some sleep!

We will be in California for two more nights w/ the Serpa's and then back home on Saturday!! What a trip it's been!!

Kyler got to ride to the beach in the Wrangler.. of course we got rained on during the ride back to the house (quite exciting!).

We got some great quality time with Serafin, Carlyn & Isaiah. He is 7 1/2 mos old and him & Kai became the best of friends!! SO CUTE!
Kyler loves the Hawaiian beaches.. He likes to try and fit in w/ da locals, yeah. "gimme some beers, bra!"

Most of all, he just really loves hangin with his Auntie!! So much love!! Really wish we were bringing her back w/ us.. it's been so nice having my best friend IN PERSON!! :-(