Friday, May 31, 2013

Lost Moments in May

We had a great time at the cabin last wknd... Family fun was had!
Nora & Whitney are so adorable!!

Nora LOVES avocadoes! Her fave foods are blueberries, yogurt, avos, salmon, and pancakes. Although she really loves anything!

She has been all over the place in her crib lately. I can never see her in the video monitor as she likes to sleep next to the rails.

I never showed pics of Norsie's finalized room.... I think it turned out nice! Whenever Kyler sees a bird decoration (house, knick knack, etc), he says, "Nora would love this for her room!"

Next will be the before & after of our house exterior!! YAY!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Our new favorite activity is biking! Well, it's not new to me.. but I've been neglectful of my good ol' teal bike (that I got in high school) for a couple years.
Tonight, I took Nora in the trailer and Kyler rode his trike around the park a few times after dinner.
Kyler likes to tell me, "it's a race. the winner gets chocolate."
Ok, buddy.. whatever gets you motivated :-)
He didn't want to stop so I let him keep riding in the driveway. This video cracks me up!!


I feel very lucky to have such amazing kids! Mother's Day has been my favorite holiday since becoming a mom... but this year feels especially great because I have TWO extremely special young ones. My life truly feels complete with Kyler and Nora. And of course, thanks to my husband for being my partner in this journey called life.. and parenthood!!
Thinking of all the people out there who have lost mothers, are mothers who have lost or are struggling to be mothers but can't be. Never take what you have for granted. **blessed**