Thursday, April 25, 2013

it's all about the kids

I often imagine this blog having more than just "kid content." But, when your kids are SO CUTE, it's tough taking pics, videos or even writing about anything else!

Nora still enjoys bouncin' in the johnny! She usually hangs in there for at least 30 minutes a day. I just raised it a little bit so all she has to do is use her tippy toes. She l-o-v-e-s the camera!
We've been frequenting the gym lately ~ Kyler loves running around in the play area and I love focusing on something other than their well-being AND getting ready for the day there.
The new [cleaning] client that I took on also wants me to babysit every now and again. She's open to dropping her son off at my house or having me come to her place. I started cleaning for her last Monday and so far I will be babysitting Friday night and Monday during the day. The little guy's name is Graham and he's 3 months. I charge a pretty penny when going to their house, so it will be nice to fit it in when I can.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

We are patiently awaiting spring's arrival here on Maryland Ave...
The kids and I have been getting to the gym as much as possible and trying to play outside or in the garage whenever it isn't too cold.
I have also found 3 people to clean for so that will be my income source for awhile. One client actually wants errand help as well as some other possibilities. Great potential there!
On the home front....
Nora has been eating a lot of finger foods.
Her faves right now: carrots, peas, lima beans, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, bananas, pears, peaches, egg, noodles, cheerios, kix, corn chex, saltines & graham crackers.
Really, there's nothing she doesn't like so far.
I hope this continues!!!!


Like most babies, her other favorite thing is baths! She is WILD in there! Splashing and moving around on the slippery tub is very exciting for this spunky lady.
 It's so funny to see how different these two are. Kyler sure does love his baby sister ~ even if she will be whoopin his butt soon!!

Also, Kyler's language has been BLOWING UP! His problem solving and independence has been amazing! Most days, that is! In turn, our "off" days are pretty rough.. but as long as I stay on top of activities and socialization he is cooperative and sweet. He is extremely ready for warm weather and NO MORE SNOW!!!
Minnesota be crazy, yo!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

lil' drummer kids

Winter weather advisory in April?? Well, I guess that means we'll stay inside and pound on some metal bowls! ;-)