Wednesday, October 31, 2012

halloween cuties

We've had a great week!
In the hallow's eve spirit, we did a warm-up costume... raggedy ann anyone?! haha - too funny to pass up!

Here is us right before we head out for trick-or-treating fun!! Kyler looks thrilled. And please take note of Chris' sweet visor!

And then it's my turn to show off the head gear! We're not dorks or anything, right?? Luckily it got dark right away.

 Nora (aka banana) slept on our way to Derick & Sarah's (our first scheduled stop) but then she woke up and was alert in the stroller the rest of the night.
 Kyler thought this was the sweetest (pardon the pun) night e-v-e-r!! He kept saying, "I got a lot of candy in my bag!"

 He loved going up to people's doors and knocking really loud. He always said, "trick or treat" well before they answered the door. It was a really great time! Chris and I got a lot of laughs out of it! It's definitely more fun to watch your kid(s) than it is to dress up in "sexy" costumes and/or get wasted drunk. In my opinion at least.

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! boo

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

silly siblings

every day is an adventure with these two :-)


We had a GREAT weekend!
Grandma Elaine visited and saw our house for the first time.
Kyler's 3rd birthday was a huge success ~ Chris and I were reminded of how much we enjoy enertaining & this house held up perfectly for it. 

Thank you to everyone!! We are blessed, for sure.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Second Child

Poor Nora - I finally got the camera out to capture her cute-ness and she was like, "what is this wonderful thing?!" She was staring at it A LOT! Probably because she never gets photographed. The combination of Kyler thinking he has every right to use the camera whenever he wants (which means I basically have to hide it) and my overall laziness.... means our beautiful daughter will not have all that many photos. Kyler probably had thousands by the time he turned 8 weeks!! oh well - can't sweat everything.
She's still being a "good baby." We're having lots of fun with her around.

Looking forward to Kyler's third birthday this Saturday, too.