Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nora has arrived!

Nora Raye Nelson
Born 8/21/12 @ 11:20am
7lbs 6oz 21inches

 A v-e-r-y excited big bro!!

She is fitting right into our family and we couldn't be happier about her arrival!!
Her entrance was fast & furious once she finally decided she was ready - but I'm resting, reveling and enjoying this special time. 
We're happy to be getting settled at home - our first night couldn't have gone any better - she slept great!
We feel SO thankful and blessed. God is really good to us.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sarah's Photo Shoot

Sarah LaPointe did a great photo shoot the other night. It had sort of a vintage theme and they turned out really cute!

And, FYI: Still no baby sister for the bubbs... we are all trying to be patient. I went in last night because there was "decreased fetal movement" all day... but I was pretty sure everything was fine. And, sure enough, when we got there, she started moving around a ton and all tests show that she's very happy in there. I've been having contractions every 10 minutes or so but no other significant progress. It's just a waiting game (and not an easy one).

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I have definitely been neglectful of this blog! My apologies to anyone who cares :-)
We've been doing great ~ I think I've just lost my love for our camera and have had some major creativity-mind-block.

Baby Girl is due in one week and we are ready!! Enjoying these last days of full night's of sleep and random daytime naps for this mama but other than that, I am counting the hours until the whole experience (hospitalization, birth, pain, etc) can be put behind us..

Anyway, here is a recent video of Kyler and Chris watering the front plants...

We also had a really great visit from Rena and the kids last week! I felt like our house "passed the test" in terms of accomodating quite a few people. As the kids all get older it will be a lot easier to have them fall asleep wherever (floors, couches, etc) and have fun sleepovers!!
Evan stayed at our house for two nights after his mom and the girls left and it was GREAT!! The boys had a lot of fun together. Grandma Shelly came down, too, and we all had lots of fun!

Underwear swim:

Maybe inappropriate (??) but Kyler deciding he needed to pee in the grass (which was re-directed to the wood-chips):

Chris took both boys to a St Paul Saints game - I was pretty glad I opted out as it seemed like a "boys will be boys" kind of evening (spitting, eating junk food and sweating):

Kyler definitely enjoyed going to Brainerd with grandma and staying with everyone for the weekend while his mom and dad enjoyed a child-free house... thanks to: Rena, Eric, my mom and dad for making it all possible! He loves his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents! A lucky boy, for sure! Spoiled beyond belief - it will be interesting to see what happens when a new baby enters the picture :-)