Wednesday, July 27, 2011

squeeky shoes & fish love

Thanks, Bonnie, for the fun shoes you sent us a few months ago!
I was hoping they'd fit Kyler this fall, but his feet have gone through a couple sizes in a very short amount of time, so it's not looking good for that :-)
But we put them on for Kyler to play with and he thinks they're great!
We can't wait to see the entire Serpa clan in less than a week!!! yay!

We suddenly have a lot of animals in this house. Siddy Kitty rules the roost, and then there's two guppies (Gordo & Dazzle) and two goldfish (Fish & Fishy). I've been toying with the idea of getting a hermit crab, too, but for now we're just going to stick to the current zoo. Cleaning tanks, litter boxes, feeding them.. it gives me enough to do for now. And, of course, we often talk about getting a dog.. but that won't be happening until we have our own house, and our youngest kid is 3. I dream of having a border terrier and maybe a medium sized mutt in our family!! And two chickens for eggs!

Friday, July 22, 2011

talking ~ this one's for you g-ma kt ;-)

Having kids that are older, and therefore say more words, around us all day everyday has really helped Kyler's language skills. Chris and I were just commenting on how much his talking has improved over the last couple of weeks.

Tonight I was reading him "Goodnight Moon" and it had been awhile since I'd brought that one out.. he proceeded to point out and say, "moon, mouse, socks, balloon, and doll." Then when I told him my nightly, "mama loves you," he pointed to a picture of our little family on his book shelf and said, "mama. daddy. bus (Bubbs)" Oh man, I couldn't even stand it!! Then when I put him in his crib he said, "bye bye."
Our little dude is growing up, that's for sure!

And sorry... my camera battery died so I couldn't get him saying turtle or doing his elephant impersonation. Maybe next time ;-)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

drummer boy

I snuck up on this crazy guy but only caught the tail end of his show. It's never quite as great when they notice you're there ;-) He is too funny ~ the instrument box is his new favorite thing and then he adds in more with the stainless bowls.
He obviously loves being outside (what little kid doesn't this time of year!) and lately he is a true tree hugger. He has two trees that are his favorites and he runs towards them with his arms wide and hugs and kisses them. A riot, I tell ya!

Chris and I also got to get out and spend some time together last Saturday. We went to the Basilica Block Party in downtown minneapolis. Below are some pics from the main stage. Amos Lee was the only artist whose entire set we saw. Unfortunately it was nearly 100 degrees and there were LOTS of people there, so it wasn't the easiest to maneuver around. It was still really nice to spend some time together though.

Friday, July 8, 2011

90 and Painting

The boys had a great time with our first painting experience! It was a good thing I got body paint because Kyler figured out his favorite canvas was his skin (with a little help from his mom, too!) We had a great time. I love artistic stuff ;-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

photo re-run

We had a great Independence Day weekend. We were in Brainerd on Pelican Lake on Sunday and part of Monday ~ the weather was AMAZING & we soaked it all in!!
Of course, I forgot my camera so there are no pictures from it.... so instead I am posting some of these great pics I downloaded from facebook. Emily is such an amazing photographer! She always manages to get great pics of the Bubbs!