Sunday, May 22, 2011

color love

The Bubbs has a new favorite hobby!
He L-O-V-E-S using his crayons and coloring on the big paper pads that Grahamm gave us.

Of course I can tell that he has started to see the walls as large blank canvases. I'm sure one of these days if my back is turned for too long & a stray crayon finds it's way into his little hands.. well, it's a good thing I have a Mr. Clean magic eraser!

Friday, May 13, 2011


best buds!

These kids have too much fun :-) They are hilarious...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Congrats Wendy & Larry Cannon!

We had a great Mother's Day weekend! Thanks to everyone for their well wishes of motherhood. It really is my favorite holiday!
We headed to Sebeka for Wendy London's nuptiuals to Mr. Larry Cannon. She looked beautiful & seemed elated with happiness! It was a beautiful day and a great time!

Kyler was somewhat overstimulated with all of the action. There were quite a few kids there, lots of food, music & dancing, and so much open space he wasn't sure where to explore first!
 He got real excited about going pant-less.. the afternoon got pretty warm and he wanted to show off his milky white legs :-)

 My boys looked so handsome in their fedoras!! We tried to get a family photo, but my unphotogenic nature reared its ugly head.

Congrats to Wendy & Larry!
And Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mom's in our lives!! We LOVE YOU!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New buddy

Kyler loves havin his new buddy, Tyson!
Tyson is two months older, so he has been teaching Kai a lot of new things. How to climb on top of the toybox to look out the window, Saying "uh-oh," "puppy" & even what a puppy says ("roof, roof"). They're pretty hilarious, really!

I am so lucky that they play so well together. They share with each other and don't get jealous. They have a lot of fun together.

Tyson likes to say "cheese" when you get the camera out! And Kyler has a mysterious fear of this tree?! If a ball gets thrown near it he has a hard time going to retrieve it. Too funny :-)