Friday, February 25, 2011

Cal-i-fornia Girls (and boy)..

Auntie Allie, me & Kai had a great trip out to Newport Beach (orange county). The weather wasn't as hot as we had hoped (or what I packed for) but it was still GREAT just being away from the snow and seeing a family we love so dearly!!

 James was SO sweet to Kyler the whole time! It was precious. He would bring him his water or juice and say, "here Kai." They are best buds!
 The highlight of the trip (for me) was our 10+ mile bike ride on "back bay loop." It was SO great to get some exercise and see water that isn't frozen, grass that.. well, isn't frozen, and birds that are loving life and not just in the survival mode of winter. Biking is AMAZING!!
Kyler has really perfected his walking skills! I will get a better video uploaded soon where he isn't pushing something. But his need to keep his beverage with him at all times was cracking us up..
Thanks again Bonnie, Keith, Kalen & James!! Your hospitality, once again, was unmatched! You mean so much to us!!! Lots of love & look forward to seeing you in MN!

Amber Alert! Look out for the black truck!!

The kids had a great time at "Pretend City" in the Children's Museum. It was a holiday week, so crazy busy..
But this video just goes to show how quickly abductions can happen. Right after I stopped recording, Kyler got off the back by doing a face plant into the ground. He didn't seem to mind and just got right up. He was all about walking around the little city!
"Hey, I want this ball."
Actually it was, "BALL!"
 "Is this a flat head or a phillips head?"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This boy is b-u-s-y!

Hope everyone had a terrific Valentine's Day!
It was the first year where I felt true romance.. I must be married!
Chris got me some gorgeous flowers, dark chocolate, & lara bars for our upcoming trip to Orange County. So sweet!
For him, I finally printed some of our wedding photos and got them into frames. Only a year and a half later :-)
Kyler got kisses all day (doesn't he everyday?) and enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood ~ so he thought it was divine.
He has been quite the busy-body! Nearly 16 months old and interested in EVERYTHING! He's always looking for the next thing he can grab and try to figure out. His favorite thing right now is the white board cleaning spray. He loves to take the cap off and then put it back on. over and over and over. Then if you take it away he screams and lets out huge tears. That is until you distract him with some blocks, a book or a baseball.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

woot woot..The Boy is Walking & Feeding Himself

Yay! Kyler is finally walking AND I am finally getting it posted on this blog!

He is quite proud of himself (although his confidence isn't 100% quite yet)... he is still a little dependent on his truck. He still chooses to let go of your hand so he can make his journeys independently most of the time.

After a not so pleasant case of croup last week, the little man is finally feeling better and his appetite is back. He is very excited to use his own utensils and he likes to help blow on the food to cool it down. Funny dude!