Sunday, December 26, 2010

holiday steps

Christmas Eve while Eric, Rena, Clara, Kyler and I were relaxing before going to church, Rena decided to take a video and caught a first.. an independent step!! How lucky!!
We had a great holiday and hope you all did, too. Looking forward to the new year ~ chris and I are hoping for a FIT 2011!!
I will try and get some new pics and videos in the next couple of days.. Kyler is doing some great things lately :-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why do we live here again?

30 Below temperatures... shoveling until your back gives out... it's Minnesota, baby!
 We got about 17 inches the other day!
We feel blessed to have shelter & heat!
 Poor Siddy is entering her season of depression. She still tries to get outside but then realizes how stupid that decision was after her paw pads freeze to the sidewalk.
 We made some almond butter balls at our house to help ease the pain of frigid cold. Kyler was happy that his dad let him try the chocolate.. although this photo doesn't look like he's all that happy ;-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

ABC - "hey, sing with me!!"

Kyler has been h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s lately!! I'm sure I always say that.. but he truly just cracks me up!!
He is the best :-)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Loon joins scuba divers

This video was taken in the Cuyuna Range mine pits... so I think my worst nightmares could really come true!!