Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am really feeling the need to post something this evening... and although this particular video is from about a month ago, it cracks me up that I felt the need to lay on the ground next to his crib and sneakily hold the camera up through the bars to capture this!! Maybe I should consider a PI as my next career move!
And btw, I was trying to show Kyler turning his music thing on and off.. but I wasn't successful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

every day is something new!

Our little guy just gets more hilarious every day.. especially lately.

Him and his cousin have so much fun together!

This kid has hi-lar-ious facial expressions.. it doesn't get any better then his scrunchy nose.

He can't get enough of the johnny jump-up! When we got home from our road trip tonight, he just wanted to bounce bounce bounce! He also loves to clap and say ma-ma.. which I cannot get enough of!! He is insanely tute ;-) His dad and I are SO lucky!

fun @ the cabin

Chris, Kyler & I had a fun couple of days at the cabin on Pelican this wknd... Kyler's new favorite thing is hanging out in the fish floatie!! I have to say it is my favorite thing, too! love it
PLEASE VOTE: Anyone who thinks that Chris should modify his "look" please comment!!!!!! Moustache + shooting range sunglasses + evinrude hat = CRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPYYY!!
Is anyone with me on this?!

OMG... Cutest/funniest picture of the Kai man taken to date:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dancin Baby

We celebrated independence day on the.. I'd say, trendy, Lake Minnetonka. Keith & Bonnie have access to a huge pontoon and auntie Em joined us for a fun evening on the boat!

Kai had a great time ~ he loves boats (really, what doesn't he love).. and he was gettin down to the music we had blasting. This video was taken at about 8:30pm. He ended up staying up until 10:15! He wasn' too excited about it but he did great!!

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